PIRC charity cheque presentation
Each financial year PIRC select a charity to support over the course of the year and Chris’s House were the beneficiaries for the year 2021/22.
Irene Sutherland, Corporate Services Manager and Charity Group Lead at PIRC presented Anne Rowen, Founder of Chris’s House with a cheque for £866.30.
Michelle MacLeod, Commissioner at PIRC said: “A key part of our staff engagement and culture at the PIRC is our charitable giving. During the past few years mental wellbeing has been an important focus for many and supporting the work of charities like Chris’s House is vital. I once again thank all my staff for their time and contributions.”
Anne Rowan, Chris’s mum, and charity founder added:
“On behalf of Chris’s House, we extend our deepest gratitude to staff at the PIRC for their generous donation. Every donation we receive helps us to provide vital services to people in crisis and those who have been affected by suicide. The funds raised by staff at the PIRC will have a significant impact on changing lives.
“Chris’s House is a centre for help, response and intervention surrounding suicide and the first 24-hour, non-medical crisis centre offering integrated support in Scotland. This charity can only grow the way it is has with the support from organisations like PIRC.”